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  • How I Plan & Write Content For SEO That Brings Results

How I Plan & Write Content For SEO That Brings Results

Steal my SEO content creation process

Hey everyone, it's Nouman here! Today we're talking about SEO content, that awesome thing that helps us marketers and business owners get more visitors, leads, and ultimately, customers.

You know how it goes - you create great content, but no one sees it. SEO helps change that by making your content super-friendly for search engines, so it shows up higher in searches.

Don't worry, SEO isn't scary! In this post, I'll share my personal tips for writing content that both search engines and readers love.

I'll cover everything from finding the right keywords to writing headlines that make people click.

Grab a notebook or your phone, because we're about to get real!

First of all, there are two things to make sure while writing content for SEO:

  • That it satisfied the search engine to make it rank higher

  • That it’s good content that your audience will genuinely find valuable

Keyword Research: Finding What People Search For

First things first: keywords.

These are the words people type into Google to find stuff online. Think of them like magic words that lead potential customers to your website.

I use tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs, Google Trends, and AnswerThePublic to find great keywords and topics my audience is searching for.

There are a couple of things to look for when finding keyword ideas:

  • Search Volume: The amount of time a specific keyword is searched every month. Make sure to look for keywords with a decent amount of monthly searches.

  • Keyword Difficulty: How difficult will it be to rank for that specific keyword? Make sure to look for keywords with lower difficulty and decent search volume.

Understanding Search Intent: What People Want

But keywords are just part of the story. We also gotta figure out what people are hoping to find when they search for those keywords. Are they looking to:

  • Learn the basics: Maybe someone searches for "marketing automation for beginners." This means they're new and need things explained simply.

  • Compare options: If someone types in "best marketing automation tools," they're probably already familiar with the idea and are now looking at different software options.

  • Buy something: A search for "buy marketing automation software HubSpot" suggests the user is ready to make a purchase and wants more info before deciding.

By figuring out this search intent, we can write content that exactly matches what the user needs.

For example, if someone searches for "marketing automation for beginners," we wouldn't write a complicated guide full of features and prices.

Instead, we'd create a beginner-friendly explanation with benefits and a gentle nudge toward exploring different tools (without being salesy!).

Building A Winning Outline: Learning From The Best

Now that we have keywords and understand search intent, it's time to make a plan for our content. But here's the cool trick: I don't guess what to write.

Instead, I check out the top-ranking content for our target keywords. I see what they're doing well, what topics they cover, and maybe even what they're missing.

Think of it like studying the champions before a race.

We can learn from their strengths and see where we can do even better. This way, our content will be thorough, informative, and stand out from the rest.

I write the outline in a Word Document and write additional points about what to include in each section. This way I can get going without any problem.

Headlines That Get Clicks: Simple And Clear

In today's world, you only have a few seconds to grab someone's attention online. That's where your headline comes in. It's like a magnet, pulling people in with a promise of valuable content.

Here's what I do: I skip the fancy tricks and focus on clear, easy-to-understand words that highlight the benefit the reader will get from your content.

For example, instead of a boring headline like "Marketing Automation," I might use something like "The Beginner's Guide to Marketing Automation: Grow Your Business in 5 Easy Steps."

This tells the user exactly what they'll learn (marketing automation basics), why it matters (grow your business!), and how long it takes (5 easy steps!).

This way, people know right away if your content is what they're looking for.

Crafting An Intro That Hooks Readers (AIDA!)

Alright, you've got their attention with that awesome headline, now it's time to reel them in with a killer introduction. Here's a secret weapon I use called AIDA:

  • Attention: Start with something surprising! Maybe a stat, a question, or a relatable story to grab the reader's attention.

  • Interest: Briefly explain the problem your content addresses and why it matters to the reader.

  • Desire: Highlight the benefits of solving this problem. What will the reader gain from your content?

  • Action: Tell the reader exactly what they can expect to learn by continuing to read.

For instance, if you're writing about marketing automation for beginners, you could start with*:*

"Did you know that businesses using marketing automation see a 450% increase in qualified leads?” — Attention

“But feeling overwhelmed by all the features? Don't worry, this guide will break down marketing automation for beginners in 5 easy steps.” — Interest

“You'll learn the basics, discover the benefits, and be well on your way to growing your business!" — Desire

“Read this comprehensive guide to learn to use marketing automation and start scaling your business on steroids!” — Action

Content That's Easy To Read And Actionable

Now comes the main part of your content. Here's my golden rule: keep it clear, concise, and easy to understand. Break down complex topics into bite-sized pieces and use bullet points, numbered lists, and short paragraphs to make it easier to read.

Most importantly, make your content actionable! Don't just tell people what to do, show them how to do it! Include practical tips, step-by-step guides, and real-world examples to help the reader implement what they learn.

Imagine you're writing instructions for a delicious recipe, but instead of ingredients, you're using marketing automation tools!

Here’s a pro tip for you that I absolutely love: using AI.

I use this mega AI prompt to write the first draft of my post. I provide all the necessary information and details to get the best possible output for my first draft.

You are an expert writer and content marketer.

I want you to write a blog post, of around {no. of words} words completely optimized for SEO.

The post is going to be about {long and detailed information about the post}.

The primary keyword for the post is "{primary keyword}"

The secondary keywords are "{secondary keyword 1}", "{secondary keyword 2}", "{secondary keyword 3}"

My blog's niche is {niche}.

My target audience is {target audience}.

The tone of voice should be {tone of voice}.

The writing style should be clear and concise, and avoid jargon words like "empowering", "revolutionizing", "unleashing" etc. Use clear words that are used in day-to-day life and are easy to understand.

Editing For Impact: The ASMR Approach

Once you've written your content, it's editing time! Here's another helpful trick I use the ASMR framework (but not the tingly kind!):

  • Annotations: Use internal and/or external links to connect your content to other relevant pages on your website or other trusted sources. This helps readers find more information and improves your website's overall flow.

  • Short Sentences & Paragraphs: Keep your sentences and paragraphs on the shorter side for better readability.

  • Multimedia: Images, videos, and infographics can break up text and make your content more visually appealing.

  • Read it Out Loud: After editing, read your content aloud. This helps catch awkward phrasing and ensures it flows naturally.

Once, your content is finished. Now is the time to implement the best On-Page SEO practices such as including the main keyword in the title, headline, meta description, content, and subheadings.

Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways

Alright, that's a wrap! Let's do a quick recap of the key points:

  • Use keyword research tools to find topics people are searching for.

  • Understand the search intent behind those keywords.

  • Learn from top-ranking content to build a winning outline.

  • Craft clear and catchy headlines that grab attention.

  • Use the AIDA framework to write an engaging introduction.

  • Keep your content easy to read and actionable.

  • Edit for impact using the ASMR approach.

Remember, SEO content isn't about magic tricks, it's about creating valuable content that both search engines and readers love.

By following these tips, you can create content that helps you attract new leads, grow your audience, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals.

If you have any questions about SEO content or anything else marketing-related, leave a comment below and I'll do my best to answer them. And don't forget to like and subscribe for more marketing tips and tricks!


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